These programs have been developed by mirroring the Early Years Foundation Stage, up to the current primary schools curriculum. Sessions are geared towards a high level of fun, to enable our Mini Movers to learn in a stimulated educational environment.
We aim for our sessions to include:
• Energetic, Fun and Charismatic Coaching.
• Teachings of Fundamentals to a Variety of Sports.
• Fun Games for All.
• Gain Confidence and Meet New Children.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development:
• Children develop confidence by trying new activities.
• The children learn to work as part of a group.
• Learning to take turns and understanding that there needs to be agreed values and codes of behaviour.
Communication, Language:
• Children develop sustained attentive listening and respond to what they have heard by actions.
• Children are encouraged to speak clearly and audibly when asked to say their name and respond to instructions verbally.
Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy:
• Children say and use numbers when playing games and when learning about different muscles & parts of the body.
• Children can use language to describe shape and use every day words to describe position.
Physical development:
• Children are encouraged to move in a variety of ways.
• Children negotiate space when playing chasing games with other children.
• Children negotiate pathways.
• Children judge their body space when fitting into spaces.
• Children are encouraged to recognise the importance of keeping healthy and how exercise and stretching can contribute to this.
Creative Development:
• Expressing themselves through movement.
• Being creative with their movements, actions and thoughts.
Knowledge and Understanding of the World:
• Gaining the knowledge and understanding the importance of physical exercise.
• Why we should eat healthily and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
• The importance and routine of stretching our bodies before/after activities.
How does it run?
Where: 10 to 12 week courses run at Ashmole Academy, Cecil Road, Southgate, N14 5RJ
Time: 10am-11am
Who for: Nursery, Reception and Year 1.
Where to park: Designated parking area as you enter Ashmole Academy.
What to do when you arrive: Report to the registration table to be signed in and you will be told by a coach which area to report to.
Sessions: Energetic, fun games teaching the fundamentals of football. Drink breaks are scheduled throughout.
What to wear (weather dependent):
Football kit or sportswear
Tracksuit top
Tracksuit bottoms
Rain jacket
Trainers/Astro turf trainers
Moulded/Studded football boots
(the facility is a grass surface so football boots are recommended)
Shin pads
Water bottle
Nick Davis (Head of Coaching)
Email© 2022. Paul Wood